Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Mandelbrot and Julia Set in OpenGL

I have ported the C code from an earlier project to OpenGL. This code runs much faster with better compiler than the earlier runtime environment of TurboC++.
You have to click on certain regions of the Mandelbrot Set and get the Julia Set.


After clicking a point in the above diagram we get this image below:
(Hint: Those regions that are at the boundary of the Mandelbrot set have got richer Julia set patterns, hence clicking on anywhere and everywhere will not get you interesting patterns)

Here is the source.

This e-book is a really good source of reference for the theory behind this....

It has the following chapters:

Strange Attractors
Strange and Complex
Julia Sets
Mandelbrot Sets
About Dimension
Euclidean Dimension
Topological Dimension
Fractal Dimension
Measuring Chaos
Harmonic Oscillator
Logistic Equation
Lyapunov Exponent
Lyapunov Space
In JOGL the same thing implemented using Modern OpenGL published in the site:


Here is a link to the Source into my Github.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Blender Cup

I have followed a tutorial on making a cup in blender to make well, a cup. Here are two views of the final rendered cup.

This is the link to the video I followed and I recommend people to try making this at leisure.
The experience is exhilarating!
After yesterday's adventure I set out to repeat the exercise today again. After several blunders and having many re-looks at the video I generated the following cup(remade from a different view and resolution)

Following this I have made cloth simulation and generated the following image at resolution of 2000.