Monday, December 21, 2015

Mandelbrot and Julia set

Iterated function systems(IFS) can generate fractals. One such fractal is the mandelbrot set which is the iteration of seed points inside a unit circle. After many iterations if the point does not become large or go towards infinity then the seed point is colored with darker shade.
Here is a very great looking snapshot of the mandelbrot set generated with a program in my PC.

Here is the code which was used to generate this image. Note that this program is written in Turbo C++ with graphics.h library. The mouse cursor is hidden while the display is being drawn. After drawing the cursor appears and then you can click on any point in the set which generates a julia set. This Julia set is even more intriguing and i have the faintest idea what this is all about.
Here is a snapshot of the Julia set:

After generating this Julia set you can do palette animation and it can create headache for the viewers. Choas theory has seen tremendous progress and i read in pop sci books that it has lead to advancements in human knowledge.
This is a new post on the same bloody thing implemented in C using OpenGL and also some code from some blog in JOGL .