Saturday, December 5, 2020

Introduction to Three.js

  Three.JS is a graphics framework/library that can render into canvas/svg/webgl contexts. The library has powerful capabilities to display complex 3D scenes with multiple models/camera/lights in it. I will demonstrate a program that rotates a cube continuously. I will attach event handlers to stop rotation when mouse or finger touch/click event happens.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Qt / QML - a tool for modern application programming

 Qt and QML are tools that can increase productivity of application development big time. Qt is a framework consisting of C++ libraries that can do almost everything conceivable as far as app development is concerned. It can even create android/ios applications.

 Qt Creator is the IDE you can use to develop Qt/QML applications.

The best thing about Qt is that you can even use javascript like QML language to program the widgets on screen.

In fact you can write an entire application in QML without even touching C++.

Loading glTF models in Three.js

Hoi you... I am loading a glTF model to display a 3d scene. Please don't ask me how I did this. Just inspect in the browser the code. Better still visit this site: Link to Threejsfundamentals site