Saturday, May 4, 2013

Project Report Guidelines- Computer Graphics and Visualization-VTU

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Project Report:

Each student is required to write a comprehensive report about the project. The report should consist of 25 to 30 pages describing the project. The report should be in the format as described below. It is important that you adhere to these guidelines. Three copies of the report (hard copy only) should be submitted. One college copy and two individual copies. A CD/DVD consisting of working code and the soft copy of the project report should also accompany the Report.

The sequence in which the project report material should be arranged and bound should be as follows:
1. Cover Page & Certificate  Page
2. Abstract
3. Acknowledgment
4. Table of Contents
5. List of figures and tables
(i)                  Introduction
(ii)                Literature survey
(iii)  Software,Hardware and Functional Requirements
(iv)    Analysis and Design
(v)               Implementation
(vi)    Discussions and Snapshots
(vii)                   Conclusion and Future Scope
(viii)                 Bibliography
(ix)    Appendices-full code in a very small font size and single line spacing(as few pages as

The dimension of the seminar report should be in A4 size. The project report should be bound with Spiral binding and cream color cover.

One and a half line spacing should be used for typing the general text. The general text shall be fully justified and typed in the Font style ‘Times New Roman’ and Font size 12. Subheading shall be typed in the Font style ‘Times New Roman’ and Font size 14 and bold(no underline). Heading shall be typed in the Font style ‘Times New Roman’ and Font size 16 and bold, Chapter name shall be typed in the Font style ‘Times New Roman’ and Font size 18 and bold(center alignment).  Chapter Number shall be typed in the Font style ‘Times New Roman’ and Font size 16 and bold (right alignment).
Header  (left side Chapter name font size 10 style:Italics), Footer (left: Dept. of CSE,CEC center:2012-2013 right: page no). Abstract, acknowledgement, Table of contents, List of figures and tables should have roman page numbers written at bottom (center) page.
Page Margins: Right:”1”, Left:”1.25, Top:”0.75”, Bottom:”0.75”
The chapters, sections, subsections may be numbered in the decimal form for e.g. chapter 2, sections as 2.1, 2.2 etc., and sub sections as 2.1.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3 etc.
4.1 Colour of the outer cover: CREAM
4.2 Cover Page & Certificate Page
4.3 Abstract
Abstract should be one page synopsis, it should summarize the aims, conclusions and  implications of your project.

4.4 Table of Contents

The table of contents should list all material following it as well as any material, which precedes it. The page numbers of which are in lower case Roman letters. One and a half spacing should be adopted for typing the matter under this head.

4.5 Chapters organization
(x)                Introduction
(xi)              Literature survey
(xii)                        Software,Hardware and Functional Requirements
(xiii)                 Analysis and Algorithm Design
(xiv)                 Implementation(with code snippets)
(xv)                   Discussions and snapshots
(xvi)                 Conclusions and Future Scope
(xvii)               Bibliography
(xviii)             Appendices-full code in a very small font size and single line spacing(as few pages as

4.6 List of References

The references should be numbered in the order they are used in the report. The name of the author/authors should be immediately followed by the year and other details.

 3.6 Appendices

Appendices are provided to give supplementary information, which is included in the main report. 

A typical illustrative list given below relates to the citation example quoted above. Don't include same references.

 REFERENCES(Example format of references)

[1]. Ariponnammal, S. and Natarajan, S. (1994) ‘Transport Phonomena of Sm Sel – X Asx’,                         Pramana – Journal of Physics Vol.42, No.1, pp.421-425.

[2]. Barnard, R.W. and Kellogg, C. (1980) ‘Applications of Convolution Operators to Problems    in Univalent Function Theory’, Michigan Mach, J., Vol.27, pp.81–94.

[3]. Shin, K.G. and Mckay, N.D. (1984) ‘Open Loop Minimum Time Control of Mechanical Manipulations and its Applications’, Proc.Amer.Contr.Conf., San Diego, CA, pp. 1231-1236.

* * * * *
These guidelines are for sample only.
Download Project Report Guidelines and Other Documents.
Download Old Project Reports.

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