The games in these posts are quite rare and interspersed with a lot of animation projects.
This game is well known to children. Ludo is a four player game and players take turns to toss a dice and move their pieces.
Finally found time to go through the code myself and found some instructions/rules. Here they are:
Here is the source.
This game is well known to children. Ludo is a four player game and players take turns to toss a dice and move their pieces.
Finally found time to go through the code myself and found some instructions/rules. Here they are:
At the start of the game, the player's four pieces are placed in
the start area of their colour.
Players take it in turn to throw a single die. A player must first
throw a six
to be able to move a piece from the starting area onto the starting
square.In each subsequent
turn the player moves a piece forward 1 to 6 squares as indicated by
the die.When a player
throws a 6 the player may bring a new piece onto the starting square,
or may choose to move a
piece already in play.Any throw of a six results in another turn. If
a player cannot make a
valid move they must pass the die to the next player. If a player's
piece lands on a square
containing an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is captured and
returns to the starting
area.A piece may not land on a square that already contains a piece of
the same colour(unless
playing doubling rules). Once a piece has completed a circuit of the
board it moves up the
home column of its own colour. The player must throw the exact number
to advance to the home
square.The winner is the first player to get all four of their pieces
onto the home square.
I just love these kind of instructions and rules. I am hunting for more
games to play them for
sometime and mainly to learn their strategies.Snapshots:
Here is the source.
its amazing..
ReplyDeleteLudo Game Development
thankyou for useful information